Gallery & Floor Plans for Liana of Venice

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Discover Peace & Tranquility

Each suite within our community is thoughtfully designed and meticulously outfitted to cater to a wide range of needs, ensuring that residents can comfortably age in place. 

From spacious living areas to accessible features, every aspect is carefully considered to provide a supportive and inclusive environment.

Browse our extensive collection of floor plans and take a closer look at the exceptional amenities and services our community offers. Schedule a visit today and experience our vibrant community firsthand.


Floor Plans

All-inclusive rates starting at $5,800

Coming Soon

Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care Here

Alongside memory care, Liana of Venice also offers respite care. Learn more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

From scenic courtyards to fully personalized dining experiences, Liana of Venice approaches everything with care and intent.

Comfortable Living Spaces

At the heart of our award-winning experience is our focus on offering a life of comfort. Get a glimpse of our community today.

Our Location


  • 2321 E Venice Ave.
  • Venice, FL 34292

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