Memory Care in Venice

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Award-Winning 1-on-1 Memory Care

Entering the realm of memory care for a loved one can feel overwhelming. You might be grappling with a multitude of emotions—fear, anxiety, perhaps even guilt. This is perfectly normal. Your concerns are real, your feelings valid, and your stress palpable. But know this: you are not alone on this journey.

And neither is your loved one.

We understand that each individual’s path into memory care is unique. Our dedicated team at Liana of Venice, voted Best in Senior Living by Assisted Living Magazine, is here to be alongside your loved one every step of the way, offering personalized, 1-on-1 support.

With our expertise in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia care, we offer comfort and reassurance when it’s needed most. We believe in nurturing not just the physical health but also the emotional well-being of our residents.

Remember that seeking help is an act of love. Let us support your loved one’s journey and offer a community where respect prevails and compassion guides us all.

Our Approach

We are committed to taking a holistic approach to ensure a safe, secure, and comfortable experience for all our residents. Our approach includes:

  • Safety & security programs
  • Professionally-led health & wellness programs
  • In-house physical exams
  • Personalized dining services
  • Geriatric & podiatry care

Our dedicated team of professionals provides 24/7 on-site nursing care so residents receive a high level of support and attention when they need it.

Why Our Community?

Our community is meticulously designed to prioritize the well-being of our residents. Not only do we have a team of professional memory care advisors, but every aspect of our community is tailored to support memory and cognitive functions, promote independence, and offer enriching experiences.

Our spacious and secure walking paths and courtyards provide the perfect opportunity to bask in the warm Florida sunshine, promoting a sense of joy and relaxation. The layout is strategically designed to be naturally lit and easy to navigate, creating an uplifting atmosphere that helps reduce sundowning and behaviors associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.

We understand that choosing the right community is a crucial decision, so we invite you to explore our gallery and floor plans page for an in-depth look at what we have to offer. Better yet, schedule a visit to our community in person and experience firsthand the care and comfort we provide to our residents.

Personalized Care Through Moments Matter™ 

At Liana of Venice, we understand that every sunrise brings new opportunities to create joyful moments. That’s why our Moments Matter® approach to memory care is thoughtfully designed to provide individualized care to our residents with cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

By integrating innovative therapies and comprehensive caregiving strategies, Moments Matter® allows our Venice family to bask in the warmth of well-lived moments, ensuring contentment and a zest for life, day after sunny day.

What Memory Care Addresses

Your loved one is our priority. And we make it our mission to help them continue the life they love.

Before becoming a part of our community, our team takes the time to get to know your loved one personally and understand their specific needs. We adopt a holistic, socially-based approach to care, focusing on fostering strong relationships between our residents and staff. 

Our community is built on trust, respect, and compassion. Reach out to our friendly advisors, and let us embark on this journey together!

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease, a prevalent form of dementia, is commonly associated with individuals aged 65 and older. However, it is important to note that Alzheimer’s is not a normal aspect of the aging process and can profoundly affect the quality of life of your loved ones.

Memory problems, mood swings, and depression are among the frequently observed symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Dementia encompasses a wide range of cognitive and language concerns that can significantly affect your loved one’s quality of life.

Symptoms can vary from person to person, but common symptoms include confusion, memory loss, hallucinations or delusions, and possible personality changes.

Parkinson’s disease is a complex and progressive brain disorder that is commonly identified by symptoms such as shakiness and stiffness.

However, this condition can also manifest in a range of other challenges, including depression, memory loss, fatigue, and sleep issues.

Schedule Your Tour Today

Schedule a visit with our community of dedicated professionals who specialize in these disorders. They will conduct an exhaustive evaluation and work closely with your loved one to create personalized lifestyle experiences.

We’re ready to join hands with your loved one on this journey.

Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care Here

Alongside memory care, Liana of Venice also offers respite care. Learn more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

From scenic courtyards to fully personalized dining experiences, Liana of Venice approaches everything with care and intent.

Comfortable Living Spaces

At the heart of our award-winning experience is our focus on offering a life of comfort. Get a glimpse of our community today.

Our Location


  • 2321 E Venice Ave.
  • Venice, FL 34292

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