Services & Amenities

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Elevating All Aspects of Life

At Liana of Venice, we believe in providing an enriching and fulfilling lifestyle for our residents. Our comprehensive range of services and amenities is designed to cater to the unique needs of our senior community, offering a friendly, supportive environment filled with experiences that promote physical well-being and cognitive health.

Our dedicated staff is passionate about making every day a rewarding one for our residents. We are committed to providing personalized care so every resident feels valued and at home.

From our thoughtfully designed living spaces to our engaging social activities, every aspect of life at Liana of Venice is tailored to elevate the quality of life for our residents.

Tranquil Outdoor Spaces

Our outdoor spaces, like our walking paths and secured courtyards, offer tranquil settings for socializing, relaxation, and enjoyment. Our beautifully landscaped gardens provide a serene backdrop for leisurely walks, outdoor activities, or simply soaking in the Florida sunshine.

These areas are meticulously maintained, providing a safe and accessible environment for our residents to enjoy the outdoors and stay active.

A Resident Experience Like None Other

We partner with FOX Rehabilitation to provide professional therapy services to our residents. We believe in a proactive approach to health and wellness, and these rehabilitation services are designed to help seniors maintain their independence and improve their quality of life.

Our FOX Rehabilitation program includes physical, speech, and occupational therapy, each tailored to the unique needs of our residents. We work closely with residents and their families to develop individualized treatment plans that promote healing, recovery, and overall wellness.

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapy program focuses on helping residents regain mobility, strength, and balance. Each resident’s therapy plan is unique, designed to meet their specific health needs and personal goals.

Our physical therapists use a variety of therapeutic exercises and techniques to promote movement, reduce pain, and restore function.

Our speech therapy program is designed to help residents who have difficulty with communication, swallowing, or cognitive issues.

We understand the importance of maintaining effective communication for our residents’ well-being. Our speech therapy program is committed to helping residents regain and maintain their communication skills, helping them continue to engage in their daily lives.

Our occupational therapy program at Liana of Venice helps residents perform daily activities, such as dressing, bathing, eating, and other daily tasks, with ease and independence.

We focus on adapting the environment and modifying tasks, teaching new skills, and promoting participation in everyday activities. Our goal is to help our residents maintain their independence and continue to enjoy the activities they love.

Moments Matter™ 

We believe in the power of individualized experiences, and that’s why our Moments Matter® initiative is specially tailored for residents with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

This thoughtful program combines nurturing therapies with forward-thinking caregiving methods, enveloping each resident in an environment where moments aren’t just passed–they’re captured and celebrated, crafting a harmonious flow to everyday life.

Distinctive Dining™

Through our Distinctive Dining program, every plate tells a story of culinary excellence paired with superior dietary service, creating a dining adventure that enriches and satisfies. 

With helping hands always nearby, residents can savor their meals in whichever ambiance suits them—be it relaxed, refined, or reserved just for them. It’s an ensemble of taste and comfort designed to brighten each day, woven seamlessly into the fabric of life at Liana of Venice.

Comprehensive Resident Services

Community Conveniences

  • Housekeeping
  • Linen & towel services
  • Trash removal
  • Personalized menus for each resident’s dietary needs
  • Custom meals & snacks lovingly prepared by our executive chef
  • Group & private dining options
  • In-house physical exam room
  • Access to podiatry & geriatric assessments
  • Modern safety systems
  • 24/7 on-site staff
  • Routine check-ins
  • Secure & beautifully landscaped outdoor leisure spaces with walking paths
  • Wellness programs promoting mobility, physical, & mental health

Schedule Your Visit Today

Discover the freedom and peace of mind our comprehensive resident services offer. From housekeeping and linen services to customized diet plans, we’ve got it all covered.

Reach out now to schedule your visit. We’re eager to welcome your loved one into a community where convenience and support meet comfort.

Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care Here

Alongside memory care, Liana of Venice also offers respite care. Learn more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

From scenic courtyards to fully personalized dining experiences, Liana of Venice approaches everything with care and intent.

Comfortable Living Spaces

At the heart of our award-winning experience is our focus on offering a life of comfort. Get a glimpse of our community today.

Our Location


  • 2321 E Venice Ave.
  • Venice, FL 34292

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