Respite Care in Venice

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Comprehensive Short-Term Support

At Liana of Venice, our short-term stays aren’t just about providing respite care; they’re about creating an environment that feels like home. 

Imagine the serenity of your loved one waking up in a room filled with natural light, adorned decor exuding warmth and tranquility. Picture your loved one indulging in personalized meals prepared by our chefs, tailored to their preferences and needs. 

The days are filled with enriching activities that cater to their interests, while evenings give way to quiet moments of reflection at sunset view spots or engaging social events where they can connect with others who share similar experiences. All this while knowing that professional assistance is always close at hand, ready to offer support whenever needed.

We’re not just offering a place to stay; we’re offering peace of mind, a vibrant community, and, most importantly, a true sense of belonging. Schedule a visit to our community today.

What Is Respite Care?

Respite care is a short-term care lifestyle designed to provide temporary relief for primary caregivers. This can be due to an emergency or a caregiver’s vacation. It allows caregivers the opportunity to rest and recharge while ensuring care for your loved one.

Respite care residents aren’t just guests; they are fully integrated into our vibrant community life with complete access to all services and amenities we offer.

When to Choose Respite Care

Respite care offers personalized meals, a variety of daily events, and round-the-clock assistance from our dedicated team of professionals. 

Additionally, your loved one will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful social interactions with fellow members, fostering connections and creating cherished memories. Our respite care lifestyle aims to support your loved one’s well-being and elevate quality of life.

Recovering from Surgery or Injury

We provide support for your loved one’s recovery after surgery or injury. Our team offers round-the-clock medical management and keeps your family updated.

Life happens, but you don’t need to worry about your loved one. Respite care offers quality support during unexpected events.

Experience our community and services through respite care, allowing you to explore events and services before making a decision. We personalize your loved one’s experience based on their needs, ensuring they can freely participate in all activities at any time.

Whether you’re the main caregiver or have hired a professional, taking regular breaks is crucial to ensure care for your loved one.

Caregiver burnout can result in stress, exhaustion, and isolation. However, respite care can benefit both you and your loved one, offering relief and balance for you and a change of environment and stimulation for them.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Don’t wait another moment to give your loved ones the best care they deserve. Take a look at our personalized services and vibrant community. 

Schedule your visit today—because quality care, relief, and peace of mind are just around the corner.

Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care Here

Alongside memory care, Liana of Venice also offers respite care. Learn more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

From scenic courtyards to fully personalized dining experiences, Liana of Venice approaches everything with care and intent.

Comfortable Living Spaces

At the heart of our award-winning experience is our focus on offering a life of comfort. Get a glimpse of our community today.

Our Location


  • 2321 E Venice Ave.
  • Venice, FL 34292

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