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Category: Memory Care

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Does Parkinson’s Disease Cause Seizures?

A senior woman smiling with her caregiver.

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects movement. It’s characterized by tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement, and balance issues.  While the classic symptoms of Parkinson’s are well-known, many are unaware of the potential relationship between Parkinson’s Disease and seizures. Parkinson’s Disease can cause seizures. It is important to understand the symptoms, […]

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What to Expect from a Memory Care Community?

Senior man chatting with a memory care team member as she shows him a photo album.

As our loved ones age, we often find ourselves faced with difficult decisions regarding their care and well-being. One such decision is whether to move them into a memory care community.  Memory care is a specialized service designed to provide comprehensive support for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other forms of memory impairment.  […]

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Memory Care Versus Assisted Living

a young woman and a senior sit on a couch, drinking tea and speaking

Memory care and assisted living are 2 distinct types of care options for individuals in their later years who need assistance with daily tasks.  Memory care is tailored to those facing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other cognitive issues. On the other hand, assisted living provides support for largely independent individuals who need some help with […]

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What Is the Difference Between Memory Care & Dementia Care?

A staff member helps an older adult complete a wooden puzzle on a table in memory care.

As we age, it is not uncommon for memory issues to arise. For many families, understanding how to provide the right care for a loved one experiencing significant memory loss can be challenging.  Memory care is specialized care designed for individuals with mild to moderate memory-related conditions. Dementia care focuses on managing the progressive nature […]

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What to Expect from Memory Care Services for Your Loved One

An older adult woman holding onto a window sill and looking out of the window with a serious expression.

Memory care communities offer services and specialized programs that cater to the needs of individuals experiencing memory loss, typically due to conditions like Alzheimer’s or dementia. These services are designed to provide personalized and compassionate care for your loved one while providing them with safety, comfort, and support. You can expect a range of services […]

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